Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mac n Cheese

As Morgan approaches her 2nd birthday, I am trying to introduce some dairy products back into her diet to see how well she tolerates them (Morgan is lactose intolerant). This week I finally bought a box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese but made it with soy milk to reduce the dairy effect. I'm not quite sure how much actual milk product is in that strangely yellow processed cheese, but I decided to give it a whirl. After some initial reluctance, Morgan finally decided she liked it! At times, using her spoon wasn't fast enough, so she shoveled it in with her hands. We didn't have any problems that night, so tentatively, I think it was a success.

Unfortunately, I think Morgan has inherited a reluctance for leftovers from her daddy as she refused to eat a second attempt using leftovers last night. Oh well, at least it worked for one day.


Amber said...

My girls never want to eat leftover mac & cheese either... I can't blame them. It's not as good ;)

Kimberly said...

Morgan is GORGEOUS!!! Melissa, I completely zoned out and never added your blog till last night!! I need to catch up!